Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Epic Of Gilgamesh, By God Shamash And Adad - 1266 Words

(1a). Gilgamesh was profusely blessed by God Shamash and Adad - who had given him beautiful body and great courage and made him two third God and just one third man. His beauty, valour and charm made him arrogant and in his lust he started misusing his powers to the utmost. He went to Uruk and conquered it and no one could withstand his valour. His lust left no woman virgin, his greed and tyranny took away sons from father, women from their lovers and made the life of people in Uruk miserable. The Gods heard their laments and went to Lord of Uruk and to Anu, God of Uruk and requested to do something to tame him. Gods said â€Å"A goddess made him, strong as a savage bull, none can withstand his arms. No son is left with his father, for Gilgamesh takes them all; and is this the king, the shepherd of his people? His lust leaves no virgin to her lover, neither the warrior s daughter, nor the wife of the noble.† Anu and gods cried to Aruru, the goddess of creation, â€Å"You mad e him, O Aruru, now create his equal; let it be as like him as his own reflection, his second self, stormy heart for stormy heart. Let them contend together and leave Uruk in quiet.† This led to the creation of Enkidu- who was designed to finish Gilgamesh. However, this too did not work as Enkidu, who was as strong as Gilgamesh did not prove of any help to the Gods. When Enkidu and Gilgamesh encountered each other Enkidu proved weak before Gilgamesh. He got impressed by the amazing strength and valour ofShow MoreRelated The Epic of Gilgamesh and Sumerian Culture Essay792 Words   |  4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh and Sumerian Culture The Epic of Gilgamesh is generally regarded as the greatest literature about tales of a great king. The Epic of Gilgamesh served to show us a lot of things. 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